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Its never been easier to create panoramic images. There are many ways to create panorama images but like many other things often the more work you put in the better the result. Arguably the best quality images are created using a desktop software on high quality images taken with a DSLR or high end compact with stitch assist. At the other end of the scale the simplest way is undoubtably using a basic Sony Sweep camera or iPhone/Android device but for the pickier user the sharpness may be lacking, the exposure is not always well balanced and the images may have strong fish-eye effect and lots of joining artefacts plus the pixel height will often limit you to around 4 " prints at best. However, there is the option on some camera models to take it sideways and also now much higher resolutions available on some models and also other makes that can do much higher resolution 'in camera stiches' notably Olympus, Pentax, and Kodak. The Olympus range offer a balance including a 'stitch assist' and 'in camera stitch' selectable by user. However the stitch quality of the 'in camera stitch' can be very poor whilst only a similar resolution to the low end Sonys. An excellent program to join your own images is Microsoft's "Ice" program. If buying a camera for its panorama feature please check with your retailer that you can return it with no penalty if unsatisfied as some will charge a 'restocking fee' up to 15% (e.g. WEX photographic) Canon also have some very good stitch assist software bundled with their latest point and shoot cameras. If you have an opinion on a good or a bad panorama camera or a seller please add your opinion on the facebook link! in camera?