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This website is designed to display and promote panorama photography offering a means to upload, display and print your images and also to join previous or current images together. How many people with an interest in photography have found that they cannot do justice to the breadth of nice view? Due largely to the digital revolution It is now much easier than ever to create panoramas (though enthusiasts have been doing so for some time using specially designed cameras). In the digital megapixel age many cameras have a panorama feature or using simple free software you can now trim out parts of your standard image format leaving the desired portion to print. Or you can use new technology such as the Sony Sweep range making it simpler still. Accordingly there has been a surge in interest in taking and creating panoramas so it so much easier to create something worth framing and putting on your wall. However, there has not been a similar advance in options by high street or online sites. Here is some basic advice on taking panoramas and joining them . If you have already created an image you need to print click here info